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Congratulations, you're in your 4th month of your pregnancy. Only 5 months more to go!
If you’re curious why your body is finally starting to look pregnant? As you're at 15 weeks of pregnancy, your baby is quickly growing bigger every week and they will be 4 inches long right now and weighs around 2½ ounces.
Need a better visual? Hold a pear in your hand — that's how big your little darlin' is. Now that you're done looking, eat that pear for a delicious, nutritious snack!
Get ready for some of the major growth on your baby's part within next few weeks to come.
With each passing week, your fetus would also look more and more like the baby you're seeing in your dreams. By now their ears will be positioned properly on the sides of the head, they used to be in the neck and the eyes are from the side of the head to the front of the face.
Your baby is rehearsing for their big debut! They are working on their breathing, sucking and swallowing motions so that when they leave your comfy womb and move into your comfy house they'll have the necessary skills to survive.