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Are you feeling baby kicks while you're sitting or lying quietly? Welcome to week 16. Do you know - Your baby is about the size of an Avocado 🥑! Awwww. Pregnancy-related glowing skin is a true phenomenon brought on by changing hormone levels and increased blood flow. In the second trimester, you're most likely to have a pregnant glow.
Let's talk about baby's development - Skin on your newborn is delicate and transparent. While it will continue to be nearly transparent for a while, it will thicken and develop as your pregnancy goes on. Currently, your baby's heart is pumping roughly 25 quarts of blood every day, and as they grow, this volume will rise. Wow! Hair follicles on your baby's scalp are developing a pattern that will last a lifetime.
Let's talk about body changes / symptoms - Give your body some extra love because it is working so hard. Upgrade your bras and underwear, acquire a pregnancy pillow if you're having difficulties falling asleep, and use a maternity support garment if you're experiencing hip or groin pain. You could also want to pamper yourself to a facial, manicure, or pedicure while you are pregnant. All are safe when pregnant as long as you follow some simple safety measures. The circular ligaments that support your wonderful uterus are thickening and straining as it expands. Unfortunately, this can result in round ligament pain, a severe, stabbing pain on one or both sides of your abdomen. Back pain, Gas and bloating, Breast changes, pregnancy headaches, Forgetfulness these are common symptoms.
Your to-do list is - Investigate second-trimester prenatal tests, track your weight gain, Avoid unsafe activities, Start a baby names list and most importantly - talk to your baby!
Stay tuned for more 👋🤰