Integrity Score 590
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Now an important part of the Silent Pages, my fascination for the ancient temples at Deogarh (near Lalitpur) and Bhitargaon (near Kanpur) in Uttar Pradesh, dates back to my school days when I was first introduced to them through the photographs and brief descriptions contained in the 8th Standard History chapter on the Gupta age. The images had lingered on in my mind since those early school days, and, I often used to wonder about those times when these temples would have been fully functional and famous.
My quest for learning more about such neglected but historically important sites increased as I grew up and when I started travelling around, a visit to these temples was one of the first planned on my itinerary. It was thus in 2001, during the days just after the completion of my studies at IIT Kanpur, that I was fortunate to find an opportunity to visit the Bhitargaon Brick Temple. However, a trip to Deogarh, even though always on the probable itinerary being not very far from Kanpur, still remained almost like a childhood wish. It could finally materialise only after several years on 10th January, 2015.
To be continued....