Integrity Score 230
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As a result the gap between the haves and the have not’s will further increase with the development of the country. People living in tribal forested areas do not feel fully integrated with mainstream Indian democracy due to general segregation from the main population in recent history. They mostly have a separate culture, and have different historical motifs and traditional ideas. When the Maoists succeed in creating bastion in a tribal forested area, the gap further increases, which is detrimental to the unity and integrity of the country.
While it is important to preserve the cultural traditions of the tribals, it is also important to integrate them with the mainstream to allow them to reap the fruits of modern development.
Maoists have a stake in isolating the tribal population from the main population to make safehouses in the tribal areas and launch attacks on the mainstream targets from the safe shelters. If the problem is not solved then the growth of the nation will be halted due to Maoist problems, and the problem may increase. It is further important to control Maoist activity in tribal hamlets to ensure that the rebels do not find safe shelter to launch attacks on mainstream targets.
To be continued.....