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Do you know that Most women give birth within two weeks of their due date. Your sudden spurts of energy can have you putting together baby items, freezing lasagnas, and cleaning the nursery. Nesting is normal and healthy, as long as you don't overdo it.
Let's talk about baby's Development - Your baby is about the size of a leek. Omg! The toenails of your kid have grown to the tips of their toes, and their fingernails may even go past their fingertips. Their nails are fully developed. Prepare those baby nail clippers because your newborn might require a nail cut shortly after birth! Your child is prepared for their first photo shoot: They may have more hair on their head, they have lost most of their and they have a lovely layer of fat for smooth skin.
Let's talk about Symptoms/ body changes - You likely feel like you have a good understanding of your bump by 38 weeks. Even so, the amount your tummy might change by this point in your pregnancy can surprise you. Since your baby is still growing, so will your belly! Additionally, you could find that your tummy keeps becoming smaller even if you didn't think it could get much smaller. Some new feelings may also become apparent to you. Your belly is stretched taut like a drum by your uterus's forceful pressure against your abdominal wall. At 38 weeks, your tummy may feel incredibly weighty and hard. Everything is crammed in tightly, after all. It's normal to experience some swelling in your hands, feet, and ankles during these final weeks. However, if you notice any sudden or severe swelling in these areas, call your doctor or midwife right away. You should also notify them if you notice any swelling in your face, puffiness around your eyes, or sudden weight gain. Trouble sleeping, crazy dreams, lightning crotch, Different vaginal discharge and Heartburn are some other common symptoms.
Your To-do list - Watch for late-pregnancy complications, Have your house cleaned, Read up on baby feeding and Learn about newborn screening tests.
Stay tuned for more🤰✨