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Being pregnant, carrying a baby is the most beautiful feeling. Right ? And now Your baby is about the size of a grape 🍇. Awww!
Let's talk about baby's development - At this point, your baby has all the necessary body components, such as elbows and knees. The top lip, nose, and eyelids have developed on your baby's face. And you can see your baby's tiny toes! Within each gum band, ten small tooth buds are forming. They'll change into the 20 "baby teeth" that eventually fall out as children get older. Your baby's heart has established its four chambers. At a prenatal appointment, don't expect to hear the recognizable, constant "lub-dub" sound of a human heartbeat. Many parents compare the heartbeat of their child to the thunder of galloping horses. This is due to the fact that your baby's heart beats roughly twice as quickly as your own.
Let's talk about body changes / symptoms - It's probably time to get some maternity underwear if the band on your current pair of underwear is uncomfortablely digging into your expanding waist. Even early in pregnancy, many expectant mothers report that their underwear is one of the first items to feel uncomfortable. Because it fits comfortably beneath your growing belly or has a panel that stretches over your tummy for further support, maternity underwear is incredible. Along with your unborn child, the placenta, an organ related to your unborn child by the umbilical cord and attached to your uterus, is also developing within your body. Now that your placenta is fully established, it can handle the majority of the crucial task of manufacturing the hormones necessary for your baby's growth and development. Food cravings, heightened sense of smell, food aversions, vomiting, heartburn etc are symptoms you must be feeling.
Your To-do list is - Share your pregnancy with your partner, Start a daily ritual to connect with your baby, Start walking and get vaccinated.
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