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A ComeBack*
“So, what do you do?”
“Well, I am on career sabbatical. Looking forward to getting back to work soon”
A Tsunami of guilt or FOMO is expected to engulf us, women, as soon as we use the words “CAREER SABBATICAL”. Like how can we take long breaks from our careers and not manage to parent and work for hand in hand as many wonderful parents do? I mean, aren’t there multiple options out there to take help from when it comes to bringing up kids?
“Oh, you should have hired a Nanny!”
“Look for a daycare around you, yaa!”
“Trust the Grandparents na!”
But why can’t a career Sabbatical be, “By Choice!”
Why can’t we new-age metropolitan women take up parenting as naturally as our past generations? Isn’t it pretty natural to be a parent? Then, why shy away from our responsibility towards that tiny human we bring into the world? We can truly be happy being a full-time parent and once we see our kids getting independent through the years, why can’t we just join our work back without being judged for the gap we took?
Each family’s scenario is different. Some find help around them and some DOESN’T. Some don’t really look for help because they want to totally dedicate themselves to their babies. IT’S A CHOICE.
So glad many TECHs are now coming forward with this “BRING THE WOMEN BACK TO WORK” kind of campaigns but why do we need them in the first place? Why make it difficult for women on break to get back to work? Motherhood doesn’t come easy guys! It just doesn’t add up to the responsibilities but changes our complete physiology. We need time to accept this “new US” (for good).
Trust me, Motherhood hasn’t affected my professional skills at all…it rather made me brilliantly good with Multi-tasking! Know that I am proud of this break I took, and, also know that I still have a lot of zest to achieve big. Just stop looking at me with those judgmental eyes for taking this career gap! Some took it deliberately…Some took it out of helplessness.