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On (Saturday, 9 October ), the citizens of Afghanistan held demonstrations and protest gatherings in dozens of countries and cities of the world in protest against what the Hazaras call "genocide" in Afghanistan.
The call to hold these protests was published a few days ago, after the bloody attack on the Kaaj educational centre in the west of Kabul, which killed at least 56 students, mostly girls.
The slogan of the majority of protesters in today's protests was "#StopHazaraGenocide ".
In Rome, Italy, a group of protesting girls showed the scene of the attack on Kaaj.
In Stockholm, Sweden, Dawood Sarkhosh, a famous artist of the country, gave a speech to the protesters. His words were about the situation of women in Afghanistan. Sarkhosh said that without women, no country, especially Afghanistan, will achieve prosperity and peace.
In Paris, France, a group of protesting women sang a song wearing a shroud. "But I swear by the anger that has been fed up... one day we will bring this war to an end, the executioner to the punishment, the executioner to the punishment", was part of their poem.
In some other countries, protesters also issued resolutions.
The common demand of the protesters
In a resolution published by the protesters in Rome, the capital of Italy, they asked the United Nations and the international community to recognize the "targeted and systematic" attacks against the Hazaras in Afghanistan as an example of the crime of genocide. According to them, these attacks have the necessary elements and conditions of the crime of genocide.