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According to a global ranking, Chad, Afghanistan and Sierra Leone were the worst countries for children in 2022.
This ranking was organized by the Children's Rights Organization in collaboration with Erasmus University Rotterdam, Holland, and includes all the UN member states that have signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
In the 2022 list, Iceland still ranks first, followed by Sweden and Finland. Chad, Afghanistan and Sierra Leone are at the bottom of the table
In this ranking, countries receive points in five indicators, including the right to life, the right to education, the right to protection, the right to health, and the right environment for children's rights.
The Children's Rights Institute said the index showed that there had been no significant improvement in children's living standards over the past decade, while standards had fallen even further among lower-ranked countries.
It added that climate change is the biggest global threat to the future of children, with one billion people at severe risk of being adversely affected. According to the Kokan rights organization, 920 million people are currently affected by water shortages and 820 million people are severely exposed to heat waves.