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Race is a problem. Agreed. But BLM is not the solution!
@covidtales what acc to you is the solution then, if not peaceful protestations?
Anyone with a cursory reading of American history would take offense at your hare-brained attempt to whitewash American history. From slavery in the eighteenth and the nineteenth century that lead to your so called economic supremacy to mass incarceration of black folks that systematically oppresses the African-American population to this day, to internment camps against Japanese during World War 2 and oppression of Asian Americans that led to the flourishing of your rail roads, the examples of your oppression are never ending. Yours is a history of intolerance, bigotry and hatred for people who you percieve as the 'Other.' Hence your attempt to gaslight African-American citizens, a population that you have systematically oppressed over years, by calling their critique of a lop-sided system that has refused to grant them education, healthcare and basic human rights and 'epitome of intolerance' is not just ludicrous by also a reminder of the segregation/Jim Crow era politics that portrays a world view of White Supremacy and dominance.