Integrity Score 428
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Oh my my 😍
Unfettered by the cacophonies of the world,
the truth remains audacious in the netherworld of lies...
Renounced by the most trusted ones,owned by the lousiest thugs,
It disguises itself as an elusive star in the sky, which is always difficult to hunt...
A blessing for the virtuous and a curse for the nefarious,
It's like a poetry in motion which graces the ones who remain acknowledged of its existence...
Its bitterness tastes like the tears coming out from the godly cries,
When I ask my heart for its readiness to this reality, it whispers in bewilderment that :
"I live the true lies"
"I live the truth lies".
PS: If we remain conscious of the existence of reality, the truth shall always find it's light in the darkness of uncertainty!!