Integrity Score 100
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The second wave has been deadly and traumatising for all of us, particularly for female volunteers. Many such women who have been working to help collect COVID resources and provide necessary leads on a regular basis. Many such women became victims of cyberstalking, online sexual harassment and much more.It is not only resticted to online harassment, many volunteers were even subjected to rape and death threaths, their contacts are being misused, they receive unsolicited pictures and requests. It’s appalling to see some men stepping so low, in the time of great distress, the global pandemic, where we people should be coming forward to help each other, we are rather traumatising people who are actually trying to help. This needs to be addressed and put forward. Necceasry action needs to be taken place in order to prevent this, but can't really expect this from the system as it is already collapsed. We as people need to come forward, bring mental revolution and make an actual difference for women safety!