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Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation
between the Government of India and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
DESIROUS of expanding and consolidating the existing relations of sincere friendship between them, BELIEVING that the further development of friendship and cooperation meets the basic national interests of both the States as well as the interests of lasting peace in Asia and the world,. DETERMINED to promote the consolidation of universal peace and security and to make steadfast efforts for the relaxation international tensions and the final elimination of the remnants of colonialism, UPHOLDING their firm faith in the principles of peaceful coexistence and cooperation between States with different political and social systems, CONVINCED that in the world today international problems can only be solved by cooperation and not by conflict, REAFFIRMING their determination to abide by the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, The Republic of India on one side, and The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic on the other side, HAVE decided to conclude the present Treaty, for which purposes the following Plenipotentiaries have been appointed:
On behalf of the Republic of India:
Minister of External Affairs,
On behalf of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic :
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
WHO, having each presented their Credentials, which are found to be in proper form and due order,
The High Contracting Parties solemnly declare that enduring peace and friendship shall prevail between the two countries and their peoples. Each Party shall respect the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the other party and refrain form interfering in the other’s internal affairs. The high Contracting Parties shall continue to develop and consolidate the relations of sincere friendship, goods neighborliness and comprehensive cooperation existing between them on the biases of the aforesaid principles as well as those of equality and mutual benefit.
to be continued....
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