Integrity Score 1000
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The #StopHazaraGenocide campaign is more diverse and creative than any campaign in Afghanistan.
Gathering and petitioning in more than 100 cities of the world, using hashtags, publishing photos and remains of victims, using the power of the media, painting and graphic designs, writing and reading poems, performing music, theater and simulating the event of Kaaj, candle lighting, mural painting and now recording memories. Witnessing the massacre of Hazaras has been on the agenda of the plaintiffs.
The hashtag #StopHazaraGenocide alone has reached more than ten million users on Twitter and this hashtag is still going forward. It is predicted that this hashtag will be at the top among Afghan social network users for a long time. During this time, some people wanted to promote growth by trending incorrect and similar hashtags.
#StopHazaraGenocide but failed.
The Taliban and their supporters wanted to challenge this hashtag, but all these efforts have been closed and the United Afghanistan hashtag has faced a negative reaction from many citizens. Users who believe that Afghanistan is not united under the white flag of the Taliban and is more fragile than ever. Those who point to the massacre of Hazaras, the Taliban's campaign in Panjshir and Andarab, suppression, detention and torture of protesters, forced forced labor and the exclusion of girls above the sixth grade from going to school, are examples of non-united Afghanistan.