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Nice post
DNA FINGERPRINTING- What makes you unique.
DNA fingerprinting is a chemical test that shows the genetic makeup of a person or other living things. It’s used as evidence in courts, to identify bodies, track down blood relatives, and to look for cures for disease.
To get your DNA fingerprint, you would give a sample of cells from your body. This can come from a swab inside your mouth, from your skin, the roots of your hair, or your saliva, sweat, or other body fluids. Blood is usually the easiest way. Lab workers treat the sample with chemicals to separate the DNA, which is then dissolved in water.
Your DNA is cut into smaller segments with another chemical process to get sections of 5 to 10 base pairs that repeat themselves. Technicians copy those tiny sections millions of times to make the samples longer for easier study.
Lab workers take those strips of DNA and mix them into a gel. Then they run an electric current through the gel, which separates smaller strands of DNA from the larger ones. A dye added to the gel makes the DNA strips stand out when they’re placed against an ultraviolet light or lit up with a laser.
The more these short segments are tested, the more accurate the DNA profile will be. The strips will show a barcode-like pattern that can then be compared to the results from another sample of DNA to find a match.