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Do you detangle the right way?? Not Detangling hair in a proper way leads to 2/3 breakage. Here are some tips to nail it.
• Detangle before every hair wash. Oiling makes it easier to seperate the locks and detangling prior to hair wash leads to a hassle free hair wash.
• Always use fingers to detangle first. Once the primary knots are removed then use a wide toothed brush.
• Start from the tips and head towards the roots.
• Its always easier to detangle the ends or tips when they are wet.
• Detangle the root ared when the scalp has become dry, atleast in a state where water is not dripping down. This leads to less breakage of roots.
• Using natural conditioning ingredients like hibiscus and fenugreek in your cleanser leads to less tangles.
Tell me in notes what mistakes you have been making while detangling.