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Always be positive
Good read
Positivity isn't a valid solution. We should acknowledge that people can have bad times.
Very discriptive
Thank you for sharing
a very thought provoking article
Very thoughtful
Good read
Nice one
People usually say - that suicide is preventable , and knowing the facts about it can help you intervene and make a difference in someone's life .
Let's discuss some common myths about suicide ; 🧠✅
1 MYTH -
People who threaten suicide are just seeking attention .
Many people do not ask for help as they are afraid of being judged and dismissed . They experience lots of shame and guilt for being burden . All suicide attempts must be treated as though the person has the intent to die . Do not dismiss someone who is sharing their pain as it took a lot for them to share these things with you .
2 MYTH -
When people talk about their suicidal thoughts ,
they are not serious and won’t go through with it .
People who die by suicide have often told someone about their struggles and their feelings of hopelessness . The majority of people who experience suicidal thoughts do not actually want to die . They are feeling emotionally overwhelmed and they just want the distress to stop .
Although it's not your responsibility to stop someone from killing themselves , your involvement might persuade them that there are other ways to stay safe and receive care ! ❤️🧠