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Doctors are Demi Gods. When we were young almost every Bollywood movie had this dialogue. A cliche till the world was faced with one of the most severe pandemics of this century. Doctors actually rose to the occasion and proved the age old saying right.
We are not a rich country, besides the technological advancement in medical science is accessible to a very small population. But inspite of the volume of people, the magnitude of the disease and gaps in surveillance,majority of us survived the pandemic and are living . Thanks to this breed of people who were at the fore front, wrapped in plastic, bruised by mask, constantly trying to save us . Putting themselves at a risk everyday.
No amount of gratitude is enough because this community didn’t give up even when they knew nothing about the virus. They experimented with medicine and protocols when none was available . I could only imagine the helplessness when a senior resident at AIIMs told me that “ they had to save patients without even knowing how to do it “. Another doctor recalled how she delivered a baby in a rickshaw when her support staff refused to attend to the pregnant woman. The discrimination they had to face inspite of being saviour.
I have always been grateful to this community and their services since my early health journalism days . I have seen how some work relentlessly for 36 hours. How top surgeons spend hours trying to save patients even if it seemed impossible.
When my grandmother was to be operated for broken hip, a doctor sat with me for hours asking how does he say “ lie down”, “get up”, “take deep breathes “ in Kashmiri because that was the only language she spoke”.
I have also seen my father in law anxious and nervous every time he has a scheduled visit with his diabetologist- fearing reprimands.
Valley’s top pulmonologist answering my weirdest questions about my parents health during covid, even at odd hours.
Doctors surely are Reflection of God.
On National Doctors Day join the conversation, share experiences.