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Nice day
Beautifully written 💕
Peace is a beautiful feeling ... picture too...
Every 21 September is Peace Day. It’s a day to lay down our weapons in every conflict, from full-on wars to personal spats, and promote the ideals of peace, love and harmony.
We came up with seven super easy ways to celebrate Peace Day. Whether you use Peace Day for personal reflection or a massive event, you are honouring its purpose. Doing a single thing on this list is enough!
1 Moment of Silence at 12 Noon ;
Join billions of your fellow humans around the world by falling silent at 12:00 noon on Peace Day. Remember those heroes who gave their lives to secure peace, those who are still fighting for it and those who suffer in wait for it.
2 Throw a Peace Party ;
Gather together your friends, family and neighbours and have a Peace Day barbecue or a Peace Day picnic or a Peace Day dinner. The 21st of September falls on a Sunday this year, so it’s the perfect day to bring everyone together. Include international dishes. Invite enemies. Play John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’. Whatever gets the people in your life thinking about peace.
3 Watch PeaceCast ;
For a solid 48 hours, you can watch free, live-streaming, peace-promoting Peace Day events online with PeaceCast. An entertaining compilation of people, events and art from all over the world, PeaceCast is a way to engage with the global community and the ideals of peace without leaving your desk chair.
4 Give to Charity ;
With millions of men, women and children struggling for survival in developing nations all over the world, consider marking this Peace Day with a show of support. There are thousands of charities out there that are working for peace, international development and humanitarian causes. Support a charity like the Red Cross or UNICEF, or donate to us here at Peace Child International. Your money will help us provide Ebola prevention materials for our Be the Change Academy teams in West Africa .
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