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second, it’s also about cooking quantities according to how much you want to consume in a particular meal. Keeping cooked food in a refrigerator or for long periods in the freezer is not the ideal option, though it may be necessary sometimes. refrigerator and stored food can increase histamine in foods and irritate the gut in people who are histamine-intolerant or have a sensitive gut. buying fresh, wholesome produce and cooking meal-sized portions is better than living on leftovers. It enhances nutritional value and lowers the risk of infection.
Fasting: The concept of fasting has always been known in India; in fact, you will notice that almost every religion has fasting as part of its practices. The reason is that fasting is a useful detox and reset mechanism, and this knowledge has been present through the generations.
More recently, the idea of Intermittent Fasting has taken health enthusiasts by storm. This concept breaks away from earlier theories of small, frequent meals and that of breakfast being the biggest meal of the day—and says you should eat only within an eight-hour period. and starve the body for the other sixteen hours.
This is modern packaging of something the ancients knew already: fasting can actually protect the gut microbiome and the immune system. how does fasting work? Not eating for ten to twelve hours tends to starve the bacteria in the gut, but it starves bad bacteria more than good bacteria, so it improves gut flora balance. Fasting also helps the body’s clean-up process and improves the immune function performed by the lining of the intestine. It’s rest for the gut. dr yoshinori ohsumi won the 2016 Nobel prize for Medicine for his research on autophagy (the process during which cells break down and get rid of damaged structures, toxins, bacteria and viruses). ohsumi discovered that fasting for long hours triggers the process of autophagy, which is critical for cell renewal.
also, there are no advantages if the fasting is followed by feastig.
To be continued....