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The key to a healthy workout in each menstrual phase is to work with the body and not against it. This will not only yield desired results but also protect the body from injuries and hurtful episodes.
Here’s how to exercise during menstruation -
🏷️Exercise During Menstrual Phase.
As the body is low on energy and more prone to stomach cramping during the bleeding phase, exercise during this phase is commonly avoided. But studies show that exercising during menstruation helps reduce period pain. During the menstrual phase aim for a 20-30 minute workout.
The best exercises for the menstrual phase include -
👉Low-intensity cardio
👉Low-volume strength training
👉Sculpt training with light weights
👉Bike ride
🏷️Exercise during Follicular Phase.
The oestrogen levels in this phase are high. So the body feels light, energetic and active. No wonder it is the best time for high-intensity workouts. Aim for no more than 75 minutes of workout with about 45 minutes of high-intensity workout.
The best exercises for the follicular phase include
👉HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training).
👉Strength training with heavier weights.
👉Cardio training.
3. Exercise During Ovulation Phase.
The ovulation phase marks the release of the mature egg. High levels of LH hormone facilitate this. As the energy and endurance levels are high, one can go in for rigorous workout regimens. Consider working out for up to an hour during the ovulation phase.
The best exercises during the ovulation phase include -
👉Cardio training
👉Power Yoga
🏷️Exercises During Luteal Phase.
While the first half of the luteal phase sees high oestrogen levels that help in the thickening of the uterus lining, the latter half has a progesterone surge. This progesterone surge causes a drop in energy levels. The best exercising strategy during the latter phase is to slow down training and focus on adequate recovery. Working out for 45 minutes is ideal during the luteal phase.
The best exercise for the luteal phase include:
👉Low impact exercises.
👉Casual bike riding.
👉Moderate weights with more repetitions.
👉Rowing machine.
👉Pilates workout.
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