Integrity Score 1523
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The benefits of a healthy digestive system extend throughout your body.
It boosts your mood, promotes restful sleep, guards against chronic illnesses, and supports your immune system. Some foods especially help to heal your gut like;
1 probiotic foods - It boost the number and variety of bacteria in your gut to improve your digestive health. They can also help our bodies absorb nutrients and give our immune systems a boost.
2 Ginger - It can cut down on fermentation, constipation and other causes of bloating and intestinal gas.
3 Fatty fish - It can help balance the bacteria in your gut, boost the immune system, and repair damage to the intestinal wall.
4 Papaya - It contains a digestive enzyme called papain that aids digestion.
5 Green tea - It improves microbiome diversity and decreases inflammation in the gut.
6 Bone broth - It can help heal damage to the lining of the intestines, prevent leaky gut syndrome, support the immune system, and keep inflammation at bay.
Incorporate these into your diet and your body will get the digestive health & well-being it deserves.