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What is success and what makes a successful life? Certainly not having to look back on our younger years with regret. For the Christian, a successful life is measured and defined differently. Rather than outward trappings alone, a Christian’s life is measured by their wealth towards God. That was the advice given by Jesus Christ when looking at the life of a man who was rich in material prosperity, but did not know that his life would end suddenly and he had no wealth towards God.
We are not born with this wealth towards God. It is something that we have to build upon. When we do so, we have the privilege of being known by God and we will see the positive fruitage in our lives. Conditions such as a peaceful mind, stable circumstances, security and confidence are a formula for true success. They are also a promise in God’s word.
The World’s Success Versus a Biblical View
Often, we measure success in this world by our income, property and social status. God’s servants are not prevented from having any of those elements in their life. In fact, God will provide opportunities for all of those things to those who put him first. Our goal is relationship with Him, rather than material gain. A good moral character, an attitude of service towards our fellow Christians and neighbor, and strong faith also make us rich towards God.
It is the opposite of someone focused on material things. As the bible says, those things fly away. They are a safe harbor in the mind alone and often they keep the holder up at night with worry about how to maintain all that is owned. In contrast, the disciple Paul advised that Christians only need to concern themselves with providing food, shelter, and clothing and to make it a goal to live a quiet life.
Abraham: An example of Success
Abraham was a man very rich in favor with God and who lived a satisfied life because he placed his trust in God.