Integrity Score 120
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How do you use your judgement to arrive at your next play?
"It's 2 years since I got into my strategic role. I have learnt a lot. I have performed very well. Now I am on cruise control. What should I do next? Well, thinking about it, there are some roles/choices. I want to judge fitment Vs opportunities before I gravitate towards them. What can help me walk out with a Big 'Yes' when I searching for my next play?"
~ Regional Head HR, eCommerce
"Judgement" is an ability to sensibly form opinions or decisions.
Some people predominantly use their cognition, some their intuition, some their instinct and some others theiremotions to arrive at it.
Those who are aligned in their head, heart and gut use a synthesis of all these to arrive at judgement.
In their book, Clients for Life, Jagdish Sheth & Andrew Sobel talk about a simple formula for Judgement.
Judgement = (Facts) * (Experience) * (Personal Values)
We can extend the same to find a thumb run for your next play as well.
Judgement [Next Play] = (Opportunities/ Choices) * (Your strengths/experience) * (Your personal values/roadmap)
1. Opportunities / Choices:
Keep your radar open for new opportunities that emerge in your industry, organisation, Geography etc. Careers need not be linear these days. You could also look at your passion and create a new category/ join a new age band-wagon if you will, if you are aware of the trends.
2. Experience/ Strength
Your career span would have ideally helped you learn and be an expert/knowledge in your domain/tech/area. Leverage that as a spring board into your next play.
Some of us under-estimate being 'Jack of all trades'.
3. Personal Values / Road Map
Some of us have an inclination to go to certain roles, certain type of work or to create impact and value. We also have a set of personal values - to be respected, to be valued, etc that needs to get realised in whatever we do. While most of us are good in forming career roadmaps, destination or direction, we seldom think about our values. Your fulfilment depends on you living your values.