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Nice post
nice one
Sedentary lifestyle, has become one of the main risk factor for premature heart disease, in today’s population. To the extent that a new slogan has come that “ Sitting is the new smoking”, equating the risk of prolong sitting to smoking. Because of COVID pandemic, a number of organisations have moved to work from home schedule for their employees, where they sit for extended hours, hunched on their desktops or laptops. This is bringing a new epidemic of lifestyle diseases, like high BP, Obesity, Insulin Resistance, high cholesterol, all of which are known risk factors of heart disease.
Just by proper exercise, we can reduce most of these heart risk factors.
The most common excuse, people give for not exercising is the lack of time. Here I am suggesting a very simple exercise protocol, which requires only 7 min to complete, which if done daily would do wonders to someone’s health. Everybody can take out at least 7 minutes from their 24 hrs routine for exercise. You will start feeling the effects as soon as you complete this series of exercises in the following 7 minutes.
(1) Leaping Jack: Place your hands by your sides and stand straight up. Jump up with your legs hip-width apart, hands on top of your head. To return your hands and legs to their original positions, jump once more. Repeat.
(2) Wall Sticking: Place your back against a wall while standing. To sit on an invisible chair, move your feet about two feet in front of you and then slide your back along the wall as you do so.
(3) Push-Ups: Lie face down on the floor and raise your body off the ground using your feet's palms and toes. By just bending your elbows, lower your body toward the floor while raising your back.