Integrity Score 150
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Think about it, it's so deep. 🤔
When your mind is completely focused on something you feel more energetic.
When your mind is a bit distracted you make excuses that you don't have enough energy to think & take action.
And vice versa is always not true. Sometimes you have energy but lack focus, and sometimes you don't have energy because you are distracted.
I don't study because I am not focused on doing that not because I lack energy (I have nothing to do without studying, but I don't). So I have energy but I don't have a focus on studying.
On the other hand, I watch a lot, of YT videos, Netflix, Show, etc a lot. It's because I am distracted from what I need to do & it needs less energy for my mind to enjoy watching.
In conclusion,
Focus brings Energy
Distraction takes Energy..
Stay Khush!