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This is a complicated Question to answer, because we humans can't say based on our memories as to how our life could have been, there could be many possibilities.
On the positive side maybe things were the same, winter holidays from school and going to tuition instead, being warm with log burners and heaters or even sandali, having a warm cup of tea, making snowmen and fighting with snowballs,going to acquintances' house and simply enjoying life .
But on a negative side, maybe there would have been no school no tuition, no dry logs for log burners, no light for heaters and no tea leaf to make tea, no sense of childhood, being afraid every ounce of our life, no job, no money, no safety, feelings of grief everywhere and no sense of living, because what is indeed life? It is the act of living, and what does living mean? It means breathing without tasting your own excess of emotions like a waterfall, without being hit with harsh words of betraying your homeland, and without missing the people you left behind to reside in safety.
And if we just make an assumption as to what would I have been doing there all day, I could say that I would have woken up at 10, eaten breakfast, chatted with family, went to the balcony to play, studied for the upcoming season or for the exams, lit the log burners, failed a few times but still succeedin lighting it, helped in cooking dinner, ate and then slept, continuing the other day just like this.
Maybe I would have shed a few tears for the people that were dying everyday. But all these are assumptions, no one knows how our life could have been, wheather we would be living or sleeping in our grave.
The answer to these questions always end with maybes, an endless cycle of maybes, cuz we couldn't live the situation, we are not living the situation, and who knows what could have happened where and how, it is just a possibility of what could happen. And what is the benefit of thinking about these things? Literally nothing.