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Table Tennis (Ping-Pong) or TT is a racket sport played on a table with a net dividing the table in 2 halves.
While the sport is rather easy to understand, what makes it interesting is the different grips one can use to enhance their game, such as:
~ The traditional Chinese "Penhold" Grip, inspired by the action of holding a writing instrument.
~ The volatile Western "Shakehand" Grip, as if one were performing a handshake.
~ The "Seemiller" Grip, inspired by American player Danny Seemiller, who came up with this grip to support his playstyle that was accompanied by "Twiddling" his racket.
To learn more about the sport, I would start with YouTube channels like:
- Pongfinity
- Adam Boborrow
- TableTennisDailTableTennisDaily