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If you're experiencing itchiness or discomfort after sex, you're not alone. It could be a sign of minor irritation or a more serious infection and it's important to see a healthcare professional to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. The reasons can be ;
1 Are sperms to blame? - You might be allergic to sperm. Really tho. Seminal plasma hypersensitivity is rare but possible. It happens when you have a bad reaction to proteins in semen.
2 Latex allergy - A lot of condoms are made from latex. That's a bummer for folks with a latex allergy.
3 Dryness - Some peeps are prone to vaginal dryness. It's pretty common when your hormones are in flux - like during pregnancy or menopause.
4 Infection - Vaginal infections - like bacterial vaginosis (BV) and yeast infections - can lead to lots of issues, including itching.
5 pH imbalance - A healthy pH level should range from 3.8 to 4.5. This helps keep bad bacteria at bay. Remember to wash up after sex!
6 STIs - Several sexually transmitted infections (STIs can cause vagina itching.
Don't be afraid to speak up and seek help, as taking care of your sexual health is essential for your overall well-being. Remember, there's no shame in seeking medical advice and taking control of your body.