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The relationship between Afghan Kochis and Hazara people, particularly since the reign of Rahman, has been difficult. After Hazara ethnic cleansing by Amir Abdul Rahman Khan, his successor Mohammad Yaqub Khan rewarded vast grazing lands and even cultivating lands to Kochis based on official governmental decree82.
By going towards Hazara farmlands during spring seasons, various violent conflicts have been taken place between the Kochis and residents of Behsood and Nahoor in recent years83. After resistance of the locals of Maidan wardak, and Ghazni, Kochis mostly resorted to acute violence including burning and plundering houses. Some of those incidence which were mostly occurred in Behsood and Nahor84 have been recorded. The conflict deteriorated after Kohchis attacks on local natives, their houses and cultivated lands. Besides civilian casualties, tens of burnt houses have been documented by AIHRC.
The new wave of violent conflict raised while Behsood’s local natives were attacked by the armed Kochis in 2007. The attack resulted to heavy local casualties and enforced inhabitants of around 25 villages85 to leave their houses and flee towards Kabul.
In 2010, it was reported that 8 local Hazaras residents have been killed in the fighting of 15 and 16 May in Daimirdad. Thereafter, numbers of displaced persons increased steadily due to deteriorated situation. The total of 1,958 family were displaced, almost 1,000 of from Daimirdad was documented86.
The same incidents happened in other places as well. According to Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) report, Kochis attacked on 36 villages in Nahoor district burning all of their firewood and hay reservoir used for cows and sheep87 during winter. Despite continuation of attacks for three days, AIHRC’s team has monitored and documented at least 10 villages which were damaged more than other areas. According to AIHRC report which has been quoted from a Ghazni member of Parliament (MP), prior to attack, Kochis have coordinated with the Taliban, then destroyed telecom towers to cut communication of Nahoor residents with neighboring Hazara districts. Promptly after that, the Kohchis organized their massive attacks with heavy arms and targeted at least 36 districts.