Integrity Score 90
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Nice. 😍
Hey there, this is someone who belongs from the same planet where you belongs.. Well talk about planets.. I love to explore the universe! Do you know why there are 8 planets in our solar system? Well even I don't know.. Haha.. I know I know that was lame.
You there are many interesting things in this world, and recently I've been observing an interesting thing on this planet i.e. life. It really fascinates me, we don't know where it came from, how it's exist, why it exist, we just know that it exist.
Their are simple form of lives like bacterias as well as a really complicated form of life like we are, "humans". And you know what's the best part.. We don't understand ourselves then how are we suppose to understand other forms of life? Funny right but sad at the same time :(
There are some common things between simple form and the complicated form i.e. survival. We all live to survive.. And after ensuring our survival we live our life. So live your life.
Okay I wasn't there to start some sort of deep talk, atleast not on my first post, so let me tell something about myself... I love observing people, things, universe. I'm basically a lover of learning new things. I'm really interested in history, especially the ancient one. Well I think we should know about each other slowly slowly otherwise that would be so confusing to know a stranger all of a sudden. And yaa, I would to know about you too.
See you again.