Integrity Score 145
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Time is eternal, legacy is timeless, after this mortal life we will pass on to an afterlife, a place where we will be immortals. These are something that we all hear at least once in our life and we are told about the concept of immortality as a child. We must strive to achieve timeless fame through our deeds and action, but what if I told you the concept of immortality is nothing more than a utopian concept that we all can hope to achieve but can never.
Let me explain with an example, if I were to ask you to name a famous literary figure the first name anyone would tell is that of Shakespeare. Some might even name Wordsworth, some would say Eliot and Browning and the one’s who love reading may even throw in the name of Pound. But how many of you would remember the name of Sheridan, Wycherley or even Chatterley, the young prodigious poet who died at the age of 19. Not many as their names are only remembered by a few and their reputation among the common populace have reduced over time.
The thing is even Shakespeare would be forgotten one day and so would the achievement of the best of the best that humanity has to offer. Time is cruel that way. We may try to immortalize our deeds through many ways, but through time those attempts would prove to be futile. Stop fantasizing about immortality and try to live your best with the meagre mortal life you have, after all the beauty in life lies in its mortality. The term martyan is a Sanskrit word which means mortal and as Rick Riordan has stated “Life is only precious because it ends.” Live, love, learn and stay to yourself. Live your life to the fullest and don’t let any one tell you otherwise.