Integrity Score 90
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My name is Parvati Devi , my house is in Sasaula village ward no. 14. In my village, a drama was being held at the monastery, in the drama they talked about the importance of clean water, so we also felt that we should have access to clean water here in our village.
We discussed amongst us neighbours that we would get handpump from the organization (Water For People). After discussion with everyone here, we gave an application to the organization for handpump.
After that, a handpump was installed here by Water For People. We collected some money for this, and the rest of the material was given by Water For People.
By drinking the water of the earlier handpump, there was constipation in the stomach and everyone was suffering from digestive problems.
But since this new hand pump was installed, drinking its water keeps the mood very fresh and it is very pleasant to drink water too. Everyone living in this locality are fetching water from this handpump for drinking purposes. Earlier, visits to the doctor were frequent, now we go to the doctor less because people are not getting sick regularly.We formed a water user committee, we discussed about tariff and resolved that all the people would deposit Rs.10 for handpump maintenance.
The women give tariff money and now we have more than Rs. 4000 deposited in our account. We do not waste water in washing clothes or in other work.
We use this water only for drinking. Keep water in covered vessels in your house, don’t waste water and use handpump wastewater for kitchen garden. All of us together also keep the handpump clean.