Integrity Score 320
I wonder how they rationalized (and arrived at) that math equation🧐
At the time of Roe v Wade (1973), of abortion rights for women, there was a parallel movement for population control on in the United States. While conservative thought found abortion an 'abomination' and threat to 'family', at the same time the state advocated for low fertility rates as a precondition for economic growth.
Sterilisation and contraception was forced on racialised groups. In the eyes of the state, poor black groups were the cause for overpopulation (this is a patriarchal, racial states practice across the world). It appears that in conservative thought, not everyone has the right to have children, not have children, right to being parents, right to family.
At that time, sterilisation was available to white women but only in a limited way because patriarchal society believes motherhood is the destiny of a woman. This limited access was subject to a ludicrous rule - women's age X number of children >= 120 (women's age multiplied by the number of children she had should be greater than or equal to 120). A 25 year old woman with three children would not be eligible for family planning.
Conservative thought opposes abortion and sees it through the narrow prism of individual choice while supporting forced sterilisations and contraceptions for racialised groups by the state in pursuit of endless growth...the afterlife of slavery...
The issue for us is to see that these struggles are linked - the issue is of reproductive justice and freedom for all...the second art work says it beautifully.