Integrity Score 120
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As a kid in 5td standard, I was enamored over my first tryst with PC and the prospect of gaming on it. Buying cds and full games was a costly proposition, a much vaunted one at that. I used to save my pocket money to buy digit magazines because they used to pack demos of the lastest video games in a complementary cd. One such occassion, I chanced upon a quirky game called Psychonauts. I was instantly hooked. With its wonky characters, comical setting and a platform for innocuous puzzles, it seared into my mind how fun the game was.
Years later, to my surprise, I got to see that the sequel has come out and is free on the xbox game pass subscribtion. The little kid in me rejoiced, for having the opportunity to unravel the world of Psychonauts once again.
Nostalgia aside, the storytelling is unique in the game and as a platformer, it's quite incomparable in the experience it doles out. Non-ubiquitous as these nonplussed games are, far from polished graphics and engines, this is a masterpiece of funny and intrinsic plots married with simple mechanics and incredible level designs that let you approach each one of them at your own pace and merry abandon.
Do try it out, you wont regret it!