Integrity Score 912
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The sex most men are having is usually some kind of recreation of a porn scene. The sexual experience is usually a strict adherence to a sequence of events that begins with making out followed by genital stimulation and then intercourse - which must end in an organism. If there is any variance in the sequence of events, the sex is bad or at the very least "less-than", and the result is usually humiliation and a sense of failure.
Sex education should bear absolutely no resemblance to what most of us experienced in middle school. Real sex education is understanding work sex is, why we are having it, what we hope to accomplish from having sex and finally learning of a set of skills that help us accomplish our goals for sex.
Just as most of a strike to be life long learners when it comes to sex you should strike for the same thing. As the age should be a less and less resemblance to the sex we had in adolescence. Just like any agent athlete we should have smarter not harder.