Integrity Score 912
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In a world where misconceptions prevail, let's shatter the myths and embrace true understanding.
- FLIRTING is not consent
- BEING DRUNK is not consent
- A SEXY DRESS is not consent
- SILENCE is not consent
- NO means NO
*No does not means CONVINCE ME*
A sexy dress is an expression of self, not an invitation for unwelcome advances. Being drunk doesn't mean surrendering control. Consent remains vital, even in vulnerable moments. Silence should never be mistaken for agreement; every 'yes' must be explicit and enthusiastic.
It's time we empower each other to redefine consent as an unwavering, ongoing dialogue based on respect and affirmation. Let's dismantle the misconceptions, educate, and foster a culture where consent is crystal clear, leaving no room for ambiguity. Together, we can create a safer, more inclusive world.