Integrity Score 95
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Hey Richa!
I believe social media has now become an indispensable part of our lives. I use it as a consumer and I can't think of living in a world without any social media.
I use it for communication, whether to ping a friend or look for an old acquaintance or reach out to a recruiter for internships. It was a life saver for me during the pandemic. It helped me transition to online learning and keep a track of my friends and family.
Although it has a down side as well. We now spend more time on social media than we spend while in person talking to our friends and family. Long hours on social media also affects our mental health, it links to depression, anxiety and FOMO. There are problems like cyber bullying and sleep deprivation that needs to be taken care of.
I just feel that it is better sometimes to mute the notifications, log out from the virtual reality and spend some time offline with our friends and family.