Integrity Score 95
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To know about them in details checkout narrative section
#SUM - Use to add the number present in cells.
#AVERAGE - Use to calculate the mean of given data.
#MAX - Use to find largest value from the data.
#MIN - Use to find smallest value from the data.
#COUNT - Use to count number of observations present in given data.
#UPPER - Use to convert words present in cell to Uppercase format.
#LOWER - Use to convert words present in cell to Lowercase format.
#ABS - Use to convert all negative values in cell to positive and other positive values are unaffected.
#LEN - Use to count number of characters present in a cell.
#COUNTA - Use to count of cells that contain numbers, text, logical values, error values. COUNTA does not count empty cells.
# NOW - Use to find the current date and time, updated continuously when a worksheet is changed or opened.
#RANDBETWEEN - Use to generate random numbers according to your requirements.