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It's advisable to check the recently concluded municipality elections & district council elections in Gujarat. In many wards & municipality, Congress performed worst than AAP & MIM. What sort of principal opposition it this? Just labeling Congress as principal opposition does not make it principal opposition.
In 2017, BJP won only 99 seats in 181 house, but today has 110 members because many left Congress and reelected to the assembly on BJP ticket.
Chhattisgarh: Well, I do not intent to demean any part of India in comparison with other states. Each state has its unique characteristics.
Having said that, Chhattisgarh GSDP at low denomination is half of Bihar & Orrissa's GSDP at high denomination.
Population wise too, only figures doesn't matter which is 2.55 Cr, but per capita income of the 2.55 cr is much lower than Punjab & is equal to Jharkhand.
There are economic parameters where Chhattisgarh has lot to catch up with other states.
Those arguing over me calling "Chhattisgarh not a big state and that's why Congress govt of Baghel doesn't matter much" forgot the fact that when we denote big states in India, it means high GSDP, high tax collection, & superior infrastructure. We usually consider MH, KT, AP, TG, TN & GJ as big states, while RJ, MP, DL, HR, PB as middle income states (don't count Chandigarh in Punjab or Haryana).
And when I said Chhattisgarh being small state, for political survival of the Congress party, having govt in Chhattisgarh makes no difference.