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Among the many stray dogs that have a home at Bombay House - the global headquarters of the Tata Group - there is only one who can lay claim to being Ratan Tata's favourite. Goa, a black and white dog, is the leader-of-the-pack at Bombay House and a special friend of Mr Tata's, whose fondness for dogs is well known. Goa even seems to understand obey Ratan Tata - as an interviewer found out when she visited the office.
Karishma Mehta, the founder of 'Humans of Bombay' revealed in a LinkedIn post shared Monday that when she first met Ratan Tata, he was in his office with Goa tucked in the chair next to him. Mortally afraid of dogs, Ms Mehta was left surprised when Mr Tata asked Goa to behave in front of her - and he obeyed. She related the incident in her now-viral post.