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➖What Is A Macrobiotic Diet?
Macrobiotics is a lifestyle stressing balance and harmony. It includes a rigorous diet plan, gentle exercise, and behavioral changes. All are geared towards obtaining a natural and calm way of life. Although no scientific evidence backs up the health claims associated with macrobiotics, many people report enhanced health and greater well-being when following its principles.
Macrobiotic eating places a strong focus on natural, organic food. It also advocates for complete elimination of chemicals and artificial ingredients. This no-chemical rule extends to personal hygiene products, as well as other products used in the home.
The types of foods allowed vary slightly depending on the person. Several factors determine what you eat, including your: existing health issues, gender, age and geographic location.
➖Who May Benefit From The Macrobiotic Diet?
No scientific evidence or research suggests that macrobiotic eating can cure disease. However, macrobiotic eating may provide health benefits to some people when used as a complementary therapy.
The macrobiotic diet is largely vegetarian. It significantly limits animal fat. For this reason, it may be beneficial for people dealing with heart disease and high cholesterol. Its emphasis on vegetables makes it high in phytoestrogens. These are naturally occurring chemical compounds found in plants. Phytoestrogens may help reduce circulating estrogen levels in some women.
➖Which Foods Are Included?
▪️Macrobiotic eating relies heavily upon consumption of whole, organic grains. Whole grains usually make up around 50 percent of each person’s daily food intake. Good examples are: bulgur wheat, buckwheat, brown rice, quinoa, wild rice
▪️Whole cereal grains are considered preferable to whole-grain pastas and breads. That said, these types of processed food are permissible in small quantities.
▪️Certain vegetables locally grown and in season should make up approximately one-third of your daily food intake.Vegetables you can eat daily include: kale,cauliflower,broccoli, pumpkin, bok choy,onion,radishes,carrots,parsley,green cabbage.
➖Which Foods Should Be Avoided?
certain vegetables,including potatoes,peppers,and tomatoes,caffeinated beverages,alcoholic beverages,processed foods,such as white bread and store-bought cakes and cookies,any food with artificial ingredients,sodas,both diet and regular
sugar and products containing sugar or corn syrup, molasses,vanilla,pork,tropical fruits,such as pineapples and mangos,hot,spicy food
seasonings,such as garlic and oregano