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Nice post
Very true
The therapeutic value is in the performance of the narrative and how the community of children view this performance .
first we see what narratives already exists ,what are signs ,symbols ,stories that are already in the collective .We first see the wounds in the collective spaces and see if we could facilitate a creative space that brings an antidote to the wounded narrative .For example as we noticed there was violence in the groups of young monks I worked recently in a Buddhist monastic school, the female figurines were getting killed .Then we introduced a story that creates kindness and compassion as transformation .The story becomes a story medicine that has to be created through tactile material. Be it tsampa , thermacol or straw or wool or straw or any other material . Here the antidote was used without moralising or judging the younger monks but a facilitation is done so as to see if the wounded narrative or the trauma filled narrative can be reworked.
It’s important that there is a facilitation for the narratives to shift in the child . It often happens that in the first round we experience what is already in the child and then facilitate a space for the narratives can shift around. To give the opportunity for self-expression and then the space to rework the narratives with similar themes. The facilitation takes place with this keen observation of what stories are being seen on the first few days of contact with the children and then to be aware of what can be introduced that provides a reworking of pain, pathologies, and vulnerabilities within the given narratives.