Integrity Score 90
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In today's world, around 9 out of 10 people use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and many more like this only. I'm also on some of the online platforms. We communicate with our friends over there, develop our biographical profiles and do many more things. But we never thought what are its pro and cons. So in this post I'll be telling you guys about what I like and dislike in the online social media platforms.
1. Social media platforms spread information faster than any other communication media.
2. Social media sites allow us to make new friends and develop new relations.
3. We all have seen in pandemic time many people lost their job but they started something new and social media helped them in gaining more audiences.
4. Social media is very nice opportunity for introvert person like me, so that we can tell our point of view without any nervousness.
1. Social media spreads news faster but they most of the time spreads fake news which creates so many problems.
2. It affects student's grade but only of those who use social media more than the limit.
3. We sometimes get jealous or angry after seeing someone's life on social media which affects our brain very badly.
4. After becoming used to this social media people become more busy in their mobiles and forgetting about their face to face interactions.