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Niceee 👍🏻
Do you know Why did the banana go to the doctor ??
Because It wasn't peeling well 😂😂
Ohh Banana ! Bananas are incredibly healthy , convenient , delicious , and one of the most inexpensive fresh fruits you can buy ! This makes them an excellent choice for anyone interested in eating healthy . There’s a bit of confusion surrounding bananas . Some people consider this iconic golden fruit a healthy choice while others avoid it ! 🍌😍
If you've heard that bananas are high in carbohydrates , you may wonder whether they're a healthy fruit to eat . Bananas are made up of mostly complex carbohydrates , including resistant starch , which offers digestive health benefits . The vitamins and potassium in bananas are good for your blood pressure and overall health .
Let's discuss nutrients present in Bananas ; ✅
1 Calories
2 Fat
3 Sodium
4 Carbohydrates
5 Fiber
6 Sugars
7 Protein
8 Potassium
9 Vitamin C
10 Magnesium
Bananas help in weight loss , digestion , and heart health ! Bananas are a tasty and convenient source of important nutrients . People have grown this tropical fruit since ancient times, and its health benefits have been promoted for more than a century . 🍌✅
Eat Bananas And Stay healthy ! 💪🍌