Integrity Score 1580
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It is normal to feel some stress about upcoming tests, exams, papers or presentations. Indeed, a small amount of stress can challenge you and stimulate you to work harder. Exam stress becomes problematic when it interferes with your ability to perform and achieve your academic and learning goals. There are some ways by which one can stay motivated to cope up with the pressure.
1. Make sure to take out some time for exercise.
There is a logical reason behind that, once you start giving some time to exercise, it allows your body to calm down the nerves, as while exercising Physical Health improves which then stimulates Mental Health and one can see changes like increased concentration and focused mindset.
2. Take regular breaks
Even the toughest competitive exam with vast syllabus will allow you a little time for study breaks. This can include a 15 to 20 minutes break every time when you sit to study for longer period of time. Study breaks will keep your mind relaxed and will help you to resume your studies with more intensity.
3. Stop comparing with others.
Everyone has his/her own time zone in which they achieve success. Each person is the master of his own life and should stop comparing oneself with others. Comparing with others can be distracting and disturbing.
4. Take advice from experts.
Whether you are unable to understand a chapter or find it difficult to get answers to some personal problems, talk to some experts or take help from technology.
There is no harm in seeking advice from experts as it will help you to take your career in the right way.