Integrity Score 1170
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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common psychological disorders that develops in childhood but lasts till adulthood for some . But , it is treatable .
Women with attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often live undiagnosed . ADHD might have slightly different symptoms in women as compared to men and can be more emotionally vulnerable . Women with ADHD do not always show signs of hyperactivity , instead they become more passive and quiet . women tend to exhibit inattentive ADHD , making it hard to focus , pay attention to details , stay organised , listen and remember things .
The good news is that there is an increasing awareness about ADHD symptoms in women , which means more women are able to get the help they need .
Seeking therapy for ADHD is not always required until serious and can be treated with empathetic behaviour towards them . But , seeking therapy is not a bad option as well .