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Lions and tigers are both apex predators, which means that they are the top of the food chain. They are able to kill large prey by attacking from a distance with their sharp claws and teeth.
Lions generally hunt in prides – even though they will never shy away from hunting alone. Most females hunt together night to make it harder on the prey to see them, but they will sometimes hunt in the daytime. They have three important hunting strategies; that vary based on the prey. The ambush, the blitz, and the siege.
Tigers usually hunt alone or in pairs. When hunting, they use their acute hearing and sense of smell to track down their prey. Once they've located it, they'll stealthily follow it to a distance and then pounce when they're close enough.
One significant difference between a lion and a tiger is, for the lack of better words, hunting morals. Lions are opportunistic bullies. They will readily eat the hunt of another predator. They would bully away hyenas, cheetas, leopards and wild dogs. Tigers are more self reliant, and self respecting in this scenario. Not only they hunt solo but also only eat meat that's their own hunt. Unlike lions, they will never scavenge. Unless it's a starving situation, and even then many tigers stick to their nature. When they are sick or old, they tend to hunt smaller preys.