Integrity Score 530
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Approximately 20 to 40 gallons of water for one shower.
Washing machines use an average of 25 gallons per load.
The kitchen sink takes roughly 20 gallons per day for preparing food and washing dishes.
The bathroom sink, used for washing hands, shaving and brushing teeth, requires about 15 gallons per day.
Much of our residential freshwater resources are also used for watering lawns, flower beds, and vegetable gardens, as well as washing cars and filling swimming pools.
Cities use water for firefighting, street cleaning, and watering public areas such as parks, grass, trees, shrubs, and flowers.
Water is also used to fill public drinking fountains, including those at schools and libraries.
The amount of water needed to run a farm is tremendous. Adding that, Chickens, pigs, sheep, and all the other animals in a farmyard need drinking water to stay alive.
Hydroelectric plants capture the kinetic energy of falling water to make electricity and are the largest users of water. This is done with a dam that forces the water level to go up so that the water will have more power when falling.
Water is also essential in industry, as it is heated and the steam is used to run machinery. Water is used to cool hot metal such as in the production of steel.
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