Integrity Score 140
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The practice of Yoga is known to increase your growth hormone and fitness experts insist that practising specific Yoga asanas is definitely one way to charge these hormones up and get them working for you. Doing Yoga regularly can bring innumerable benefits for the mind, the body and soul since Yoga asanas are physical poses with breathing that entail flexibility, strength, stamina and balance and when you do these repeatedly, it can prove to be very beneficial in increasing your height too.
Asserting that Yoga improves your posture, Himalayan Siddha, Akshar revealed 5 most effective exercises to grow taller. He said, “Another significant factor that stimulates the growth hormone apart from postures is pranayama or deep breathing exercises. Pranayama is an effective way to relax the body before; during or after Yoga asana practise and can help to increase height in kids and adults
Yoga asanas for increasing height:
1. Samasthithi/Tadasana
2. Paschimottanasana - Seated forward bend
3. Padahasthasana – Hand to Foot Pose
4. Chakrasana – Wheel Pose
5. Dhanurasana – Bow Pose